Tea and Talk for Wellbeing Online

Tea and talk online sessions are for anyone living in South Gloucestershire who would like to meet other people and share conversation. Conversations are steered towards what can help to improve your wellbeing and is a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The group is facilitated by a wellbeing coach to ensure everyone always feels welcome and ensure that it's a safe space to talk.
Online sessions are approximately 1 hour and you are welcome to join or leave the session at any point.
Group rules
- Respect each other
- Give space to each other
- No swearing at each other
- If we are worried about anyone we will do what is needed to keep them safe
- What is said online, stays online
- If you need to leave the chat, message someone in the chat, so we know you are OK.
What is probably different is that we need to ask everyone to have a private space when they join a session in the same way that we have a private space when we all meet face to face.
Tips for joining the group
Things that may help when joining the online wellbeing group-
If you have earphones with a microphone – use these as it is usually easier to hear others, and we can hear you better.
- If you are not speaking ‘mute’ your microphone.
- You may find the connection better if you download the Android App or iOS App but you do not need to have the App to join in.
- You can also join the session using a mobile phone or landline phone, details will be sent when you have booked a session.
One You South Gloucestershire is for all adults over the age of 18 who are South Gloucestershire residents or registered with a GP practice in South Gloucestershire.
These sessions are run by Southern Brooks Community Partnerships on behalf of South Gloucestershire Council.
For more information about healthy lifestyles and wellbeing in South Gloucestershire please visit oneyou.southglos.gov.uk