• connect
  • support
  • thrive

Our team

Senior Leadership Team

Suzanne W Photo

Suzanne Wilson - CEO

Suzanne has experience of working in national Higher Education policy, local government and for over 7 years CEO of a community anchor organisation and charity in North Bristol. She is passionate about the positive change people can make in their own lives and the lives of those around them and how placed based community support is an essential building block for fairer, thriving lives.

Laura T

Laura Thacker - Head of Health and Wellbeing & Interim CEO

Laura has experience of working in both health and voluntary sectors with a particular interest in the value of non-medical approaches on people’s health and wellbeing. She is an advocate for strengths-based working with individuals and communities and harnesses this approach when developing health and wellbeing projects.

Kate G

Kate Golding - Head of Finance and Internal Operations

Kate’s core premise is that robust finance information systems are core to managing a charity and are essential as a basis for strategic planning.  She qualified as a Chartered Accountant, later specialising in charities. She has been Treasurer of several charities and has worked in the sector for 10 years now.

Community Cohesion

The Community Cohesion Team facilitate and manage projects that develop people's sense of belonging in their local communities and improve access to relevant services. Projects aim to reach marginalised equalities and newly arrived communities, and include equalities training, antihate crime awareness, South Gloucestershire Faith Forum, education taskforces.

We also facilitate a multi-agency Community Cohesion Action Group, and partners work collaboratively on a Community Cohesion Action Plan.