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Volunteer Centres

Are you looking for volunteering opportunities in South Gloucestershire?

Volunteers make the difference from getting a great project up and running, to making it grow wings and fly. Through sharing their time and energy, our volunteers change people's lives in South Gloucestershire.

There are plenty of different opportunities which regularly come up, so have a browse and if nothing grabs your interest at the moment pop back in a couple of weeks.

If you're not sure about what volunteer role you'd like to do, try this quiz. It takes under 5 minutes and might help you decide what roles would suit you best.

You can contact us to ask about local volunteering roles. We'll have a chat with you to find out:

  • your interests
  • what you've done in the past
  • what you're doing at the moment
  • what you'd like to do or have a go at

You might not have had experience of volunteering before, so we will explain what volunteering means and what you might expect.

Different volunteering roles have different expectations. For example, some roles like a weekly commitment and other roles ask for particular skills or qualities which are important to doing the role safely. These requirements are usually explained in a short description about the volunteering role. If you need more details about the role, we can help find out extra information from the organisation.

To volunteer in and around Kingswood, contact Jess on or 07969 189485.

To volunteer in and around Yate, contact Alex on or 07929 787478.

To volunteer in and around Patchway, Filton and the Stokes, contact Liz on or 07971 744846.