Create Against Hate was a partnership project between Southern Brooks and Avon and Somerset Police, funded by the Home Office Building a Stronger Britain Together (BSBT) fund. The project built on the legacy of Southern Brooks’ Anti-Hate Crime Ambassador project and worked with secondary and primary pupils across Bristol and South Gloucestershire to help them understand the benefits of diversity and inclusion and reject narratives that could divide communities.
The project aimed to:
- Improve the capacity and capability of Avon Somerset Police to deliver effective preventative work with children and young people around Hate Crime.
- Support children and young people to have the knowledge and skills to question and challenge divisive narratives.
- Increase the reach and influence of the voice of children and young people who are championing inclusion and diversity.

This project worked with Avon and Somerset Police to recruit targeted schools. Sessions were held in secondary schools to train up Police staff to lead on delivery in the primary schools.
Primary schools from Bristol and south Gloucestershire were involved in the project to create an arts trail, which sent a message that the children and young people of Bristol and South Gloucestershire celebrate diversity and want to live in positive, inclusive communities.
Overall, 26 schools participated and there were 5 community centres involved in the arts trail, with a well-attended event held in December 2019.
Secondary pupils who participated in the project said: