Wellbeing in the Workplace

Are you a local employer?
Community Learning can provide free bespoke training sessions in the work place to support work force development and staff wellbeing. To make contact with a staff member who can arrange sessions to suit your work place, phone 01454 864613 or complete an enquiry form on their website.
Active in Life can promote physical activity in the work place. This includes free one to one sessions, 8 week activity sessions and an information stand. See the website for more info and conditions that apply https://sites.southglos.gov.uk/activeinlife/
This is provided in conjunction with Thriving at Work South Gloucestershire providing free resources, information and support for employers to help support positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in the work place. When you contact us, your company’s contact details will be shared with all organisations providing Thriving at Work South Gloucestershire services unless you tell us otherwise.

Thriving at Work South Gloucestershire aims to provide resources, information and support to local employers to help develop working cultures that support staff and challenge the stigma around mental health and emotional wellbeing.
What is available for local employers?
- free workforce development training promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing (email mentalhealth@southglos.gov.uk for more information)
- free wellbeing courses for staff
- free support to complete the Time to Change pledge (More than 800 employers across England have signed the pledge so far)
- free membership of a quarterly mental health and emotional wellbeing e-bulletin – to sign up just email mentalhealth@southglos.gov.uk
- support for staff receiving in-work benefits or earning less than the living wage, with career development with Future Bright
- information and support for staff who are also carers including a downloadable document as well as contact information for the Carers Support Centre .
- free downloadable resources (available in the downloads section of this page)
- links to useful websites and online resources (below)
- free electronic staff survey available before and after being involved with Thriving at Work South Gloucestershire. Provides anonymous data to help you understand the issues affecting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of your staff.
Contact mentalhealth@southglos.gov.uk for more information.