Creativity For Wellbeing - Online Session
Creativity can be an effective tool for promoting wellbeing in a variety of ways whether it's through art, photography, writing, or other forms of expression. Incorporating creativity into your daily routine can help reduce stress, boost mood, and enhance overall quality of life.
The aim of the creativity for wellbeing session is to give you a space where you're able to share your creativity.
We will start the first session by doing a short introduction. During the session we will decide on a theme for the following month and then use this as inspiration to go away from the session and express our creativity through any way that that we find inspiring in our own time.
This could be through painting, drawing, photography, poetry, writing, music or crafts. During the following session in July everyone will then be given an opportunity to share their creations which will be done via your video camera or microphone. If you're sharing poetry or written creations, this can be done via the telephone if you decide to call into the group instead.
Depending on how the group progresses, the idea is to continue the group on a monthly basis.
This is a discussion based session rather than a teaching session, so conversations will be encouraged and we will not be going into methods nor techniques, however participants are welcome to share ideas during the session.
There is no pressure to share your creations if you don't feel comfortable doing so, however this group is one based on discussions so conversations are encouraged.
No technical or artistic skills are required, so you're welcome to try your hand at a new creative outlet if you feel inspired to do so!
Please note that this group is for residents who live in South Gloucestershire or have a GP in South Gloucestershire only.
About the facilitator
Sarah is a wellbeing worker and has a level 3 qualification in Award in Education and Training (AET). She is passionate about finding new ways to improve mental and emotional wellbeing and enjoys finding ways of being creative.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which platform do you use for online sessions?
We use Google Meet. Instructions will be sent when you have booked your session as well as a reminder. You can use a PC/laptop using Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. You can also download the app on Android and iOS devices. We also provide an option to dial-in using a landline or mobile phone (charged at local call rate).
Do I need to have a Google account to join the session?
No, you only need to book your place on Eventbrite.
Do I need to have a webcam or microphone to join the session?
Yes, you will need to have a webcam and microphone to get involved with activities and discussions.
About the service
If you have any questions or would prefer to book over the phone then call us on 01454 868583 or email
This session is run by Southern Brooks Community Partnerships on behalf of South Gloucestershire Council.
One You South Gloucestershire is for all adults over the age of 18 who are South Gloucestershire residents or registered with a GP practice in South Gloucestershire.
To find out about other courses please see our One You South Gloucestershire Eventbrite page.
For more information about healthy lifestyles and wellbeing in South Gloucestershire please visit