• connect
  • support
  • thrive

Wellbeing Resources

What is Wellbeing? 

Having a feeling of wellbeing means: 

  • to have good mental health 
  • being satisfied with life 
  • feeling a sense of meaning, or purpose 
  • being able to manage stress well 

To achieve an improved sense of wellbeing, feel more positive and gain more from life, evidence shows 5 areas in which to focus: 

  • Connect with other people 
  • Learn new skills 
  • Be physically active 
  • Notice the present moment 
  • Give to others 

 This NHS link explains more about the 5 steps to mental wellbeing 

5 steps to mental wellbeing - NHS

Our Wellbeing Tracker is a handy tool to assess the areas where you would like to focus and set achievable goals to improve your sense of wellbeing.  

Our handy Self-Care Workbook may also benefit. 

Here are some options, in South Gloucestershire, where you could start to make improvements to your sense of wellbeing, listed around the 5 steps to mental wellbeing. 

Connect with other people  

Well Aware provide information on a wide range of organisations; support groups, community groups, events and activities that can help people improve their health and wellbeing in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

Community Welcome Spaces offer a friendly welcome and are free to use.

South Gloucestershire Libraries regularly run social and creative activities.

Alphabets LGBTQ+ Adults Wellbeing sessions (18+) run at the Armadillo, Station Road, Yate.

Diverse UK offer social groups for people who identify autistic, or neurodiverse.

People First offer social support groups for people with learning disabilities.

Music Train offer free music events.

We are BS15 – Beacon Café, Hanham and Kingswood community kitchen & food club.

U3A Bristol, Yate and Thornbury offering groups and activities for those in their third stage of life  

Visit their website Bristol 

Visit their website Yate 

Visit their website Thornbury

AGE UK South Gloucestershire offers information, support and advice, as well as a Reconnect and befriending service.

Befriending Networks offers befriending services for specific communities listed in their directory.


Learn new skills 

Community Learning courses - South Gloucestershire Council offers free courses 

Open University free online courses.

SGS College offer free and costed courses.

Action for Happiness offer prerecorded talks, groups, courses and coaching.

Ted Talks offer inspirational talks from expert speakers.


Active in nature 

Community Gardening, Southern Brooks.

Let’s walk Bristol offers Nordic walking courses and sessions.

Tortworth Forest Centre offers forest-based wellbeing sessions.

Parks and open spaces in South Gloucestershire.


Notice the present moment 

NHS Every Mind Matters beginners guide to meditation.

Insight Timer offer free guided meditations.


Give to others 

Volunteer Centres in South Gloucestershire.

Volunteering in South Gloucestershire.

CVS South Gloucestershire lists voluntary positions in South Gloucestershire.

Voscur lists voluntary positions across the wider Bristol area.