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Love Your Patch

Love Your Patch is a community development project supporting sustainability in South Gloucestershire.

What's on this page:

  • A map of community sustainability groups in South Gloucestershire
  • Workshops offered to for free community groups in South Gloucestershire through the project
  • Training resources for The Rubbish Workshop

Map of sustainability groups in South Gloucestershire


Free workshops & talks for community groups, schools and businesses in South Gloucestershire

Get in touch with Oscar ( to book a workshop.

  • The Rubbish Workshop - A workshop for reading-age primary school kids to learn about materials, recycling and the circular economy through a card game
  • The Good Ancestor Workshop - A workshop for older people and people living with dementia to explore sustainability through legacy and storytelling
  • Bee box-making workshop - Make boxes for solitary bees and learn about the lifecycle of a mason bee

The Rubbish Workshop training resources

The video below can be used by teachers and leaders of childrens' groups to become facilitators of The Rubbish Workshop.

The cards used in the workshop can be purchased for £20. If you would like to print off the cards yourself, please follow this link.